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Mike Mullins Vocational Center
The Mullins center is a 6,800 square foot building used for job training for Isaiah House’s clients. The Lisa Walker Center will be a facility serving women, and will be able to serve up to 16 clients at a time. Cox said the updates to the Mullins center will be vital in helping Isaiah House clients continue to prepare for life after treatment. “Recovering addicts often struggle with the stigma of addiction, criminal records and poor performance at previous jobs because of erratic, addictive behavior. Many have little job experience or training and the majority are unemployed by the time they seek treatment. The ability to gain vocational job training skills and employment is critical to long term success in sobriety,” Cox said. “We appreciate the organization that has donated $50,000 to purchase the air filtration and ventilation systems for the Mike Mullins Vocational Center. These systems are necessary to prepare the building for the welding classes that will be offered to our clients beginning in 2019. The classes will be conducted in partnership with Campbellsville University. We are deeply indebted to organizations like this who invest and partner with us in saving lives.”
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